Sinister Wisdom's Feminist Bookstore News Project Phase Two

Feminist Bookstore News Booklist Database FAQ

How to participate
1. Select an issue of Feminist Bookstore News that has not been reviewed for the booklist yet. That list is here:
To sign up for an issue, see the FBN Booklist Sign Up spreadsheet to identify which issues have already been taken.
Add your name to the issue you have chosen so other people know not to work on that issue.
2. Find the issue on Lesbian Poetry Archives.
All of the issues are available here:
You can access this page directly through the FBN Booklist Sign Up spreadsheet under the column titled “LPA link”, or
Directly on the Lesbian Poetry Archives website. They appear in numerical order from left to right, top to bottom as well as at the bottom of the page in listicle order.
3. Review and index the issue in its accompanying spreadsheet, filling out a new row for each book title using the detailed instructions in this document:
You can access the Google Sheets in the FBN Project Files Folder in Google Drive using this link:
There is one spreadsheet per volume. To access the correct individual sheet for your issue, you’ll want to open the corresponding Google Sheet and look at the bottom tabs for your specific issue.

Have fun and stay tuned for Zoom hangouts to work together on this project!

"Empowerment comes from ideas."

Gloria Anzaldúa

“And the metaphorical lenses we choose are crucial, having the power to magnify, create better focus, and correct our vision.”
― Charlene Carruthers

"Your silence will not protect you."

Audre Lorde

“It’s revolutionary to connect with love”
— Tourmaline

"Gender is the poetry each of us makes out of the language we are taught."

― Leslie Feinberg

“The problem with the use of language of Revolution without praxis is that it promises to change everything while keeping everything the same. “
— Leila Raven