
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: for anthology, Her Believing Heart: Poems by Survivors of Abuse in Lesbian Relationships

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS for anthology, Her Believing Heart: Poems by Survivors of Abuse in Lesbian Relationships. Submit 1-3 poems related in some way to domestic violence in lesbian relationships. Attach poem(s) as word document(s) to email listed below.* April 30, 2018 deadline. Accepted poem(s) may be published anonymously, if requested. Please include, if desired, a brief (75 word maximum) contributor’s bio. Also include mailing information if you would like a contributor’s copy. Possible publication release reading is being considered. Publication is projected for Fall or Winter 2018.
Jennifer Polhemus, editor
*If unable to submit via email (preferred), mail submission to: Jennifer Polhemus, 255 Lamb’s Gap Rd., Mechanicsburg, PA 17050-2815.

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