Stephanie Allen

Brianna Dym

Nickole Brown

Marlee Miller

Cassie Premo Steele

2020 Pushcart Nominations from Sinister Wisdom

The Pushcart Prize is one of the most honored literary anthologies in the United States. Publishing since 1976, the Pushcart Prize recognizes the best work of small presses.

Sinister Wisdom is pleased to nominate six pieces from the four issues of Sinister Wisdom published prior to December 1, 2020 for the 2020 Pushcart Prize. The six pieces are:

“Penelope’s Vision” by Natalie Eleanor Patterson
“Sunday Morning” by Shelonda Montgomery
“Blueprint for a Feminist Bookstore Future – A Personal History of Charis” by ER Anderson
“My Mother Doesn’t Teach Me Mandarin” by Nhung An
“Denver 2007: Chip, Drag Ball” by Katherine Fallon
“What the Trees Said” by Shawn(ta) Smith-Cruz

PDFs of the nominated pieces are available on the links for all to read. Congratulations to all of these wonderful writers! Sinister Wisdom is proud to have published your work and to nominate it for this honor.

Book Club September 15, 2020

SW114 Cover with LLA

2019 Pushcart Prize Nominations from Sinister Wisdom

The Pushcart Prize is one of the most honored literary anthologies in the United States. Publishing since 1976, the Pushcart Prize recognizes the best work of small presses.

Sinister Wisdom is pleased to nominate six pieces from the four issues of Sinister Wisdom published prior to December 1, 2019 for the 2019 Pushcart Prize. The six pieces are:

“11/This Open Moor” by Vi Khi Nao
“Poetic Sisters” by Yeva Johnson
“Venice Beach” by Deborah Miranda
“We Were A Room” by Hannah Larrabee
“A Simple Act” by Beth Brant
“Transcriptions” by Andrea Assaf

PDFs of the nominated pieces are available on the links for all to read. Congratulations to all of these wonderful writers! Sinister Wisdom is proud to have published your work and to nominate it for this honor.

Spoken Violets


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"Empowerment comes from ideas."

Gloria Anzaldúa

“And the metaphorical lenses we choose are crucial, having the power to magnify, create better focus, and correct our vision.”
― Charlene Carruthers

"Your silence will not protect you."

Audre Lorde

“It’s revolutionary to connect with love”
— Tourmaline

"Gender is the poetry each of us makes out of the language we are taught."

― Leslie Feinberg

“The problem with the use of language of Revolution without praxis is that it promises to change everything while keeping everything the same. “
— Leila Raven